Glenn Greenwald made an appearance on Fox News this morning, promising more leaks and accusing the Obama administration of targeting Snowden to intimidate whistleblowers within his administration.

Interviewed by Eric Bolling, Greenwald said: 

What the Obama administration wants…is to make it so that everybody is petrified of coming forward with information about what our political officials are doing in the dark that is deceitful, illegal or corrupt. They don’t care about Edward Snowden at this point. He can no longer do anything that he hasn’t already done. What they care about is making an extremely negative example out of him to intimidate future whistle blowers from coming forward because they’ll think they’re going to end up like him. That’s their objective.

Greenwald also went on to rip Meet the Press host David Gregory. Gregory had asked Greenwald a few weeks ago “To the extent that you have aided and abetted Snowden, even in his current movements, why shouldn’t you, Mr. Greenwald, be charged with a crime?”

On Fox, Greenwald addressed Gregory’s question by answering, “Thomas Jefferson, 250 years ago, said those who most fear investigations are the ones who attack free press first. This is what journalism is about, shining a light on what the most powerful people in the country are doing to them in the dark. So we’re going to continue to do that no matter what David Gregory and his friends say.”

Obama has been particularly aggressive with whistleblowers. “His administration has aggressively prosecuted whistleblowers under the 1917 Espionage Act, bringing six cases against employees for leaks compared with only three known previous cases.”

Greenwald promised more leaks would be forthcoming, “I will say that there are vast programs of both domestic and international spying that the world will be shocked to learn about, that the NSA is engaged in with no democratic accountability.”