Public Policy Polling has released the results of a new survey on Texas politics. PPP finds that Sen. Wendy Davis got a big boost from all the positive media coverage she received last week.

Davis currently is +10 with 39 percent saying they approve of her and 29 percent disapproving. Voters narrowly approved of her filibuster 45-40. Asked where they stand on SB5, the law Davis was filibustering, 52 percent had no opinion, 28 percent opposed the law and 20 percent supported it.

However the question asked by PPP gave no information about the bill. It reads “Do you support or oppose Senate Bill 5?” Most people clearly did not know what SB5 was and did not respond. Other recent polls have shown that a majority, 62 percent, of Texans support a ban on abortions after 20 weeks with certain exceptions.

Sen. Davis does much better than Gov. Rick Perry who is -5 in the poll, 45-50. However in a theoretical head to head match up Perry still wins by 14 points, 53-39, with just 8 percent undecided. And keep in mind this is after Davis had the best press of her career. She clearly won the PR battle but she is still likely to lose the war.