The Hill is reporting that Rep. Darrell Issa will be pursuing the IRS scandal, the Benghazi attack and the lethally stupid Fast and Furious operation in 2014 – which will likely be his last year as the House GOP’s chief investigator. 

Issa sounded a cautionary note that the investigations might not conclude while he has the gavel.
“The administration wraps up investigations. We are done when we are done … there shouldn’t be any sort of effort to load in or unload” before his term limit of six years as the top Republican on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee ends in December.

Rep. John Mica (Fla.), who is the favorite to replace Issa as chairman, told The Hill that he hopes to “have a shot at” the gavel if he gets reelected, and the GOP continues to control the House.  

Key Oversight and Reform member Rep. Jason Chaffetz  told the Hill that “there’s a lot more to come” on Benghazi, as well as “investigations from healthcare to the IRS to Fast and Furious.”
Issa said, “I’d like to have Fast and Furious be a closed case,” noting that the courts are still reviewing access-to-documents disputes between Republicans and the administration. 
The Hill reports that Democrats call that probe, and other Issa-led investigations, “bogus.”
According to Democratic sources, Issa hasn’t tied key figures in the administration directly to each controversy: the IRS targeting of conservative groups; the 2012 Benghazi attack and the botched ObamaCare rollout.
On Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the IRS, “his oversight can be summarized in a fairly simple pattern: asserting crazy conspiracy theories without fact — all of which get subsequently debunked,” a Democratic source told The Hill.

That’s some awesome spin coming from The Hill’s Democrat source, because the only explanations I’ve seen utterly debunked, are the ones the Democrats have come up with to defend the Regime. 

On Fast and Furious, Democrats attempted to absolve the DOJ by falsely claiming that the it was a continuation of the Bush era Wide Receiver operation. You can hear them do this on various talk shows, even today, when asked about that scandal, even though it has been thoroughly debunked.. That’s all they’ve got in their quiver on that one. That and the fact that Issa couldn’t get the goods, knowing that “the most transparent administration in history” stonewalled him every step of the way, and the president invoked executive privilege on key documents.  

As for Benghazi, yeah – I’ve heard some interesting conspiracy theories about the attack- but none of them came from Issa’s office, and they persist only because the Regime has been lying and stonewalling about what really happened from the beginning.

The most absurd conspiracy theory of all is the one about the spontaneous demonstration over an anti-Mohammed video that got out of hand. 

Seriously even the Obama-loving media had trouble buying that one. 

On Sept 19, 2012, Jay Carney, repeating the Administration line that it was not a pre-planned attack, said “bad actors” had come on the scene of a protest armed with RPGs and mortars. “We prefer to have an investigation…” he told reporters, hoping to ward off more questions.

One reporter, clearly not buying it, said, “so a random crowd that had come together with their heavy weapons – got insulted by the film, and decided to – you know – blow up…”
Carney doubled down with, “there has certainly been precedent in the past where bad actors  –  extremists who are heavily armed who have exploited situations that have developed in order to attack Americans…”


Talk. About. Bogus. 

Apparently the IRS scandal is a big nothingburger, too, according to Democrat sources – even though we were initially told it was limited to a few bad actors in the Cincinnati office, only to later discover that it was being run out of Washington DC. 

The president promised us back in May that there would be a full investigation, but the DOJ didn’t even assign a person to lead the investigation until last week. Oh, and that person just happens to be a huge Obama supporter and donor. Nothing to see, here, right Democrat sources? Meanwhile, the wheels of justice rev up to hypersonic speed if you happen to be a Republican governor embroiled in any kind of scandal.

Good thing we have Democrat sources to set us straight on these things, or I’d be tempted to think there was a disgusting double standard at play, here.

Issa has apparently joked about getting a “six year extension” to continue on as chairman of the panel but any waivers appear to be unlikely.

Other term-limited chairmen have appealed to the GOP Steering Committee for a waiver to continue atop their respective perches.  Most of those requests have been denied.

But sources close to Issa aren’t ruling out asking for a waiver. 

My top choice to be the next chairman following Issa, would be Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), but then he’s also my choice to be the next Attorney General should the Republican win in 2016, so there’s a little conflict, there. 

The 60 year-old Issa will be the keynote speaker at an annual Lincoln Day Dinner in New Hampshire, next month, sparking rumors he has his eye on a White House bid, as New Hampshire is considered a magnet for potential presidential hopefuls.