As radical demonstrators continue to target Google’s private buses in the San Francisco area, accusing the company and other tech giants of “gentrification,” some far-left activists have gone a step further: targeting Google employees at their homes. A group calling itself Counterforce gathered outside the home of Google engineer Anthony Levandowski, protesting against him as he carried his young child out of the family home.

The group is targeting Levandowski for his engineering work on Google Street View and in developing Google’s driverless cars, accusing him of ushering in a world of automation and “surveillance.” The protests seem to be fueled partly by news stories about Levadowski’s projects, by broader protests at the rising cost of living in the area, and possibly by resentment at the NSA scandal, in which Google was allegedly unwittingly involved.

One paragraph in the protestors’ literature, distributed outside Levandowski’s home in Berkeley, reads:

There are men and women in the Congo, slaving away in giant pits in order to extract gold and other precious metals from the earth. This gold will go into phones and tablets made by companies like Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Anthony Levandowski has never worked in a pit mine nor will his children. People like him are exempt from this type of degrading and exploitative labor. Instead, he can casually stare at his screens as if there was not human blood making this technology possible, as if there was not a life in his hands.

According to Cyrus Farivar of, Berkeley police did not receive any calls about the incident.