If you enjoyed the first “Thor” film, there is no reason you won’t enjoy the sequel. And based on its gargantuan box office ($640 million worldwide), quite a few people did.


All the elements that made “Thor” a hit and pleasing to the Norse god’s  fans are reassembled for “Thor: The Dark World.” Hunky Chris Hemsworth returns as Thor, the crown price of Asgard; Natalie Portman is back as Jane Foster, Thor’s earthly love interest; trouble is brewed by Tom Hiddleston’s Loki; Anthony Hopkins spews mythology; rounding things out are Stellan Skarsgard and Idris Elba.

Also returning is the tone of the original,  which means seriously heavy mythology and CGI on Asgard and sitcom-style fish-out-of-water jokes mixed with Jane and Thor’s rom-commy  romance here on earth.

At a lean 112 minutes, the pacing is solid and the story wastes no time taking off. Having Thor and his nemesis Loki forced to team up to save the Nine Realms from Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) is a nice twist. Hiddleston is having as much fun as Loki here as he did in “The Avengers.” The contrast between Loki’s gleefully narcissistic outlook on life and Thor’s likable, simple sincerity make for some of the film’s best moments.

The climax is a bit of a letdown. The fact that Thor is indestructible removes the suspense and like a lot of comic book films these days, watching villains and heroes throw one another into buildings wears a little thin. The stakes also feel pretty low. You won’t be on the edge of your seat worrying about the fate of the universe.

Will you be wowed? No.

Entertained? No question.

And you won’t want t miss the mid-end credit or post-end credit scenes. 

Thor: The Dark Word is available on Bluray.