Leading Russian state television news anchor Dmitry Kiselyov declared, “Russia is the only country in the world realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash,” during his latest state-controlled news show on Rossiya 1 television, as tensions between Russia and the US continue to rise as a result of events in the Ukraine.

Kiselyov’s position is that the United States and Barack Obama are “living in fear” given Russian’s capabilities. The set staging was far from subtle.

He stood in his studio in front of a gigantic image of a mushroom cloud produced after a nuclear attack, with the words “into radioactive ash”.

“Americans themselves consider Putin to be a stronger leader than Obama,” he added, pointing to opinion polls which then popped up on the screen.

He also went on at length about Russian’s presumed nuclear capabilities on the state controlled news netwrok just as balloting was going on in the Ukraine. Kiselyov is considered to be both Russia’s leading and most controversial anchor according to AFP

Pro-opposition news site slon.ru did not mince its words in describing the implications of Kiselyov’s comments.

“This evening… Dmitry Kiselyov threatened the United States with a nuclear strike if the conflict over Crimea deepens,” it said.