In response to Republicans weigh in against Internet globalization:

While it’s good that a few Republicans have come forward to criticize Obama’s plan of giving up control of the internet to an undefined global body, Democrat and former Jimmy Carter pollster, Pat Caddell, took a flamethrower to the idea, last night on Fox News’ Political Insiders:

The Insiders unanimously disapproved of the Regime’s plan to give up control of the internet, calling it a huge national security risk. Schoen, said, “again, our government is silent.”

But  “it’s worse than silent”, Caddell piped in. “Let’s understand something. They do what they do all the time, which is surrender whatever advantages the country has – whichever advantages, wherever we dominate – their idea is  – we should get out, we should lead from behind, we should give it up, and just like they let Eastern Europe go, they’re letting the internet go….this government in Washington, and I hate to say, our party, has decided to surrender the country. The internet is just part of it.”

LeBoutillier called what is going on since Obama bowed out of the space race, “a pattern of retreat and psychological surrender.” And Caddell lamented that the Republican party won’t fight for any of these things.

I’d like to see more Republicans muster up that kind of passion in defense of our country.

Video here.