Tonight Show Host Jimmy Fallon isn’t known for being an Obama critic, but he has been slamming the president and his signature health care law fairly hard in recent weeks.  He has been especially hard on the mandatory nature of the law.

On March 21, the show featured a skit in which Fallon played Vladamir Putin on a mock phone call with Obama about the situation in Crimea.

OBAMA: Don’t you see what you’re doing though? You’re forcing people to accept something that the majority of them don’t even want.
PUTIN: Yes, in Russia we have word for this. ObamaCare.

[Laughter and applause]

On April 2, Fallon zinged the president after he took a grossly partisan victory lap over the 7 million enrollments. 

Speaking on Tuesday April 1, Fallon joked that regarding the 7 million Americans that have signed up for health insurance, “It’s amazing what you can achieve when you make something mandatory and fine people if they don’t do it and then keep extending the deadline for months.” 

Fallon then doubled-down on his ObamaCare attack and mocked how The White House “Said that 7 million people have signed up. When asked how many people tried to sign up, they were like, 30 million.”

“The Tonight Show” host continued to ridicule how ObamaCare being “mandatory” was “like a Cinderella story” before he proclaimed “If you still haven’t enrolled, you might have to pay a penalty called the individual shared responsibility payment, which is 1% of your salary. Then Americans said, “Man, good thing I don’t have a job.”

Maybe Fallon didn’t get the memo, but the narrative the Obama White House is pushing, is that ObamaCare did not require a “hard sell,” at all.  In a thinly veiled swipe at the Koch brothers, the president whined in his sickening April Fools Day ObamaCare Victory Lap Speechthat “we didn’t make a hard sell. We didn’t have billions of dollars like some of the critics did,” (conveniently forgetting about the nearly $700 million in taxpayer dollars they’ve burned through already to promote the law.) 

Bryan Preston called that the most unAmerican speech a president has ever delivered.

….the most ghastly aspect of the president’s speech was its celebratory tone. This president stood in the Rose Garden in the lawn of the people’s house. He used force to coerce Americans into doing what he wants for the sake of politics and power. An American president should never celebrate taking freedoms away from Americans. This president has, and he is pleased with himself for doing it. He basks in the applause of those who celebrate with him, as if it’s an achievement to use the full force of government to impose yourself on others.

Fallon’s zingers are poison arrows aimed precisely at the heart of Obama’s Frankenstein monster of a health care law – something even the lowest of low info types in his audience can’t miss.

Last night, he surprised me further with a skit that was actually complimentary of Sarah Palin – not something I expected on a show with a youthful host and a liberal-leaning audience.

Surprise #1: Jimmy Fallon went out on a limb and treated Palin as something other than an object of ridicule.

Surprise #2: The sketch highlighted the fact that Palin was able to foresee Putin’s actions in the Ukraine.

Surprise #3: Palin was allowed to have some fun at Obama’s expense.

Surprise #4: Obama did not come off well.

Surprise #5: Fallon’s audience loved Palin. She got a huge ovation from the crowd.

In conclusion — just wow.