A new PPP poll has Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., at 44% in the November primary, with U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-Baton Rouge at 27%. With the unpopular Landrieu stuck well below 50 percent, a December run-off is considered likely and Landrieu’s numbers don’t look good in that regard, either.

In a runoff, Landrieu and Cassidy are tied at 47 percent each, according to the PPI poll. But the polls shows that the six percent who count themselves as undecided in a Landrieu-Cassidy race won’t be easy for Landrieu to pick up.

With 52% of voters disapproving of Landrieu and only 42% approving, it doesn’t appear as though she has much room to work to pick up additional support in a potential run-off. One of her big problems is Barack Obama’s 56% disapproval number in Louisiana according to the same poll.