Mary Landrieu

Boehner Ally Steve Scalise Rocked By White Supremacy Scandal

A member of John Boehner’s inner circle is under fire even as the House Speaker is at his most vulnerable. Exactly one week before the House GOP’s top official will seek re-election to his post, multiple sources report that his deputy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, spoke at a conference of white supremacists back in 2002.


Cassidy crushes Landrieu in Senate runoff

No big surprises in Louisiana on special election night; even the Democrat machine knew Mary Landrieu was toast, which was quite vexing to Mary Landrieu.  It looks like she lost by about 13 points to Republican challenger Bill Cassidy.  Landrieu

Landrieu Storms Off Radio Interview

Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) hung up on WGSO’s “Ringside Politics” host Jeff Crouere on Friday after a contentious interview. After Landrieu was asked about voter fraud claims made by Republican State Senator Elbert Guillory, she responded “Elbert Guillory is a

Landrieu Storms Off Radio Interview

Democratic Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu Defeated

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy has defeated Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu, denying her a fourth term and extending the GOP’s domination of the 2014 midterm elections that put Republicans in charge of Capitol Hill for the

Democratic Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu Defeated

Is Landrieu The Last Southern Democrat?

Per the Christian Science Monitor, “If Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) of Louisiana loses her runoff election on Saturday, there will be no more white Democrats from the Deep South in the Senate. Racial polarization of the two main parties has

Landrieu’s Union Support Gets Ugly Outside Louisiana Debate

Conservative grassroots icon Anita Moncrief experienced the ugly side of Senator Mary Landrieu’s union supporters outside the only debate between the senator and her Republican opponent, Representative Bill Cassidy. The Black Conservatives Fund sent an exclusive video to Breitbart Texas

Landrieu’s Union Support Gets Ugly Outside Louisiana Debate

Landrieu Plays The Obama Card Both Ways

In an increasingly desperate looking attempt to hold onto her Senate seat, Democrat Mary Landrieu can’t seem to decide if she’s for Barack Obama as president, or against him. Well, actually, depending on the audience, she appears to be both.

Landrieu Down Significantly in Early Voting

While Republican Bill Cassidy has seen an uptick over the November primary in GOP early voting, Democrat Mary Landrieu is experiencing the opposite. Democrat early voting totals are down by almost 18 percent and turn-out among blacks is down significantly,

Landrieu Down Significantly in Early Voting

O for Oxy: All Students Volunteer for Dems, All Lose

Students who volunteered for political campaigns for course credit at Occidental College are learning a hard lesson in defeat after every single one of them joined a Democratic candidate in 2014–and all of them lost. The sole survivor, Sen. Mary

O for Oxy: All Students Volunteer for Dems, All Lose

Poll: Majority of Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built

HOUSTON, Texas — A new USA Today poll finds that Americans overwhelmingly approve of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.  More specifically, 60 percent of those surveyed believe that both Congress and Obama should approve of the construction. The Keystone pipeline

Poll: Majority of Americans Want Keystone Pipeline Built

Pipeline Activists Threaten Democrats

While having approximately 50 Keystone pipeline protesters camped out on her doorstep may almost be a positive for Democrat Mary Landrieu in her Louisiana run-off election against Republican Bill Cassidy, it can hardly be a welcome sight for national Democrats

Keystone XL Vote Expected This Week In Senate

XL oil pipeline, is only being held because outgoing Senate Majority leader Harry Reid hopes that it will help embattle Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu retain her seat in next month’s run-off election in Louisiana. The word around town is that

Slate: Landrieu's "Desperate, Pointless" Campaign

How bad are things for Democrat Mary Landrieu in her bid to try and hold onto power? This bad. When Slate is calling your campaign cynical, desperate and pointless, it may well be time to give it up. But that’s

The Liberal Landslide Away From Mary Landrieu

Imagine the sinking feeling you might experience if the very ground you were walking on began to fall away beneath your feet. That’s likely how Mary Landrieu feels as the liberal wing of her own party cuts and  runs on

GOP Promises Cassidy Seat on Energy Committee

Senate Republicans just put a hole in a campaign claim of Senator Mary Landrieu (D – LA), who has been saying that her Republican opponent, Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), will not be able to get onto the chamber’s energy committee

GOP Promises Cassidy Seat on Energy Committee

Reid "Shakes Down" Dems To Help Landrieu

Perhaps trying to save face by proving he can win something, outgoing Senate majority leader Harry reid is reportedly putting the arm on Democrats in  a big way in an effort to save a struggling Mary Landrieu in Louisiana. Politico

Democrats Playing Politics With Keystone Vote

In what is perhaps one of the more politically cynical moves one might imagine during the upcoming lame duck session of congress, Senate Democrats are considering moving forward on a vote on the Keystone pipeline as a means of propping

Cillizza: Landrieu Ad 'Speaks To' Her Polling Deficit

Chris Cillizza, Editor of The Washington Post’s The Fix, argued that Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) newest attack ad, which uses clips of a speech given by her Republican opponent, Rep. Bill Cassidy “speaks to” Landrieu’s difficult path to re-election on Monday’s “Andrea Mitchell

Cillizza: Landrieu Ad 'Speaks To' Her Polling Deficit

Landrieu Makes It Personal With Cassidy Attack

Struggling in the polls and locked in a race most believe she can’t win, Democrat Mary Landrieu goes after her Republican challenger Bill Cassidy in a very personal way with a new TV spot entitled “ WHOA.”  See below. The ad

Landrieu Makes It Personal With Cassidy Attack