The midterm elections are just around the corner, but I’m already looking ahead to 2016. Why? Because the GOP has a habit of screwing up presidential elections lately. It would be awesome if that didn’t happen again.

So, a few reminders for the GOP right now…

1) Stop talking about Mitt Romney.

He’s probably a nice guy and decidedly business-savvy, but he’s a terrible candidate. He speaks conservatism like it’s a third language and doesn’t have a knack for connecting with or inspiring voters. Comparisons between Romney and Reagan are too hilarious and ridiculous for me to spend time on.

Time for some new blood, please. Preferably some with consistency and charisma.

2) How’s that Obamacare alternative coming along?

If you plan to address Obamacare as an issue at all come 2016, you better have a clear, well-articulated alternative. If not, people will see you as critics without solutions. (Critics without solutions lose elections.)

3) How are those messaging/communications hires coming along?

Hopefully you’ve made some hires, preferably people with personality and the ability to thrive in TV and radio mediums. Policy has to be sold in order to be implemented.

4) How’s that campus outreach going?

Rand Paul aside, I hear crickets chirping.

5) How’s that user-friendly, pro-growth initiative coming along?

You know, a platform of what you stand for that your messaging team can carry throughout the country as they do community outreach? Most people I speak with are very confused about what the GOP stands for these days. Confusion doesn’t inspire confidence.

Has the GOP learned from its 2008 and 2012 mistakes? If they have, they should be ahead of my list. We shall see.

Jedediah Bila is co-host of “Outnumbered” on Fox News at 12pm ET. She is an author, columnist, and Fox News Contributor. Follow Jedediah on Twitter @JedediahBila.