The AP points out how in Louisiana, both parties are employing the domestic Ebola outbreak in their political messaging this year.

Democrats are trying to link the issue to Republican candidate for US Senate Bill Cassidy by suggesting his support for cost cutting measures spell  trouble for the nation’s ability to fight the virus. At the same time, Republicans are using it to hit Cassidy’s opponent, Democrat Mary Landrieu, as well as to try and score points in preparation for future political campaigns.

In Louisiana’s contentious U.S. Senate race, Republicans say Landrieu isn’t putting enough pressure on the Obama administration to address the Ebola public health concerns. They’ve criticized Landrieu for not seeking a travel ban and for not publicly calling for more severe containment measures.

Cassidy, the congressman who is Landrieu’s main challenger, has slammed Obama’s response as ineffective and described Landrieu as enabling a lack in leadership from the Obama administration.

Gov. Bobby Jindal, laying the groundwork for a possible 2016 presidential campaign, has been the most prolific, using every opportunity to slam President Barack Obama’s Ebola response as inept, with at least nine emails outlining his criticism.

Attorney General Buddy Caldwell and U.S. Sen. David Vitter, both on the 2015 statewide ballot, also have hit on the subject. And Republicans have made their criticism of Obama’s reaction to the deadly virus yet another way to attack Democratic U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu.

Democrats haven’t skipped the subject.