During a not-so-planned Emergency Room visit to Broward General Hospital in Broward County, Florida, and after doctors came to the medical conclusion that I had to be admitted to the hospital for a good 2-day dosing of extra strength antibiotics, I took it upon myself to jump onto the desktop computer in my hospital suite, and venture onto the Hospital’s internet system.

After being able to log into the Shark-tank.com site and my Gmail account, I found that the Hospital, which is in large part funded by taxpayer dollars, restricted access to social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. I get it.

But when I tried to log onto FOX News, I received a message on the screen that the page could not be displayed, because the destination had been blocked.

The coding displayed for why the hospital restricted access to FOX News was that the site was placed on a “Blacklist”.

I thought it was a mistake, so I get trying to log onto the FOX website several more times, but I kept getting the same message.

So, I then  attempted to log onto other news sites like Al Jazeera, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, to see if this was just a fluke occurrence, and found that I was able to access them all without any problem.

I know that Broward County is a liberal stronghold in Florida, and that Democrats control the County Commission, School Board, and the North Broward Hospital District, so is it too much of a stretch to think that this blacklisting of FOX News is by design?

Fast forward to election day (Today), and as I am waiting for my doctor to make his rounds and release me from ‘custody,’ I decided to jump on my laptop, which was brought to me hospital room last night.

Upon logging in to the hospitals Wi-Fi, I was able to log onto FOX News.

But then I decided to go back on to the hospital terminal I first encountered the blacklisting of FOX News, what page do you think popped up when I tried to access FOX News?

You guess it, the same page stating that the FOX News website was being restricted because it was on a “Blacklist”.

I am sure that most, if not all the patients that find themselves being admitted here, are not all that concerned about jumping on the hospital’s internet system to find out the weather forecast or whatever-they have more pressing health issues to deal with.

Thanks to ER Doctor Van Smith and his team of nurses for getting me in and out of there in less than 3 hours (a record for Emergency Room visits, if you ask me) as well as my Doctors Yogel and Chenven, as well as to my nurses Trish and Tahiesha for following up and making all the “love” (continuous antibiotic IV drip) happen.

Gracias! (Espanol for thanks)

Now if Dr. Namnum will only hurry up and get here to give me the thumbs up to go home…

UPDATE~~Dr.Namnum has just released me! Woo hoo!

Originally posted on THE SHARK TANK

You can watch me on NEWSMAXTV’s election night coverage starting at 8pm-DIRECT TV 349, DISH 223, OR log onto Newsmaxtv.com

See you all tonight

Follow Javier on Twitter at @THESHARKTANK1