The U.S. war on Ebola continues, as Florida Congressman Dennis Ross has just filed his  Contain Ebola and Stop the Epidemic (CEASE) Act  that would restrict certain flights from Africa to land in the United States, as well as prohibit visas to persons originating form Ebola-weary countries.

 Now that the United States is free of the Ebola virus disease, we must begin implementing a process that will keep our country safe from a potential future outbreak. Craig Spencer, a doctor who helped treat Ebola patients in West Africa, returned home to New York to find he had become sick with the virus. Spencer was released from the hospital this week, but President Obama’s Ebola Czar, Ron Klain, told MSNBC, ‘we’re going to see occasional additional cases of Ebola in our country. This is not the last one.’ Klain’s statement does not provide my constituents and I comfort.-Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL)