Common Core has quickly become the issue that could very well derail any future state or federal elections, especially those hotly contested Republican primary races.

During a panel discussion at the annual RGA meeting in Florida, Ohio Governor John Kasich backed his support for Common Core saying that “Governor’s, state superintendants, and principles” came up with Common Core, and doesn’t see Common Core as being the “Obamacore” of education standards.

Kasich added that as long as parents and local school boards are involved in crafting education curriculum, he would continue to support federal standards.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who initially backed Common Core, but later scrapped it, said that the education standards became “something it was never intended to be,” and that Common Core was in fact a “once-size-fits-all” federal approach to education that did drive curriculum decisions.

Governors Rick Perry (TX), Scott Walker (WI), and Mike Pence (IN) all ardently oppose federal education standards, or Common Core.

Like his position on Common Core or not, Kasich is right about Common Core starting off with 45 Governors reaching out to the federal government for guidance on education.