LUBBOCK, Texas — Federal authorities have warned US law enforcement of potential terror attacks against them from homegrown ISIS members or supporters, according to a leaked internal bulletin exclusively obtained by Breitbart Texas. The leaked document is dated October 11, 2014, and was provided by a trusted federal agent who did so on the condition of anonymity.

The memo was issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a Joint Intelligence Bulletin and is titled, “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Its Supporters Encouraging Attacks Against Law Enforcement and Government Personnel.” It is labeled, “UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY” and asserts that it may be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act and should not be released tot he public, the media, or anyone else not authorized by the DHS.

The document alerts US law enforcement personnel, including FBI Special Agents, to be aware of their surroundings and to monitor their families’ use of social media to “avoid revealing FBI or law enforcement affiliation.”

Another significant revelation in the leaked document is that the FBI is unaware of any current specific imminent threats from ISIS on U.S. soil, an assertion that seems to contradict some previous public reports that ISIS has crossed the U.S./Mexico border and is planning specific attacks. The report does indicate that ISIS advocated attacks on U.S. military personnel, law enforcement in general, FBI personnel, government officials, and media figures.

Breitbart Texas provides the full, unredacted leaked document for our readers below.

Follow Breitbart Texas Managing Director Brandon Darby on Twitter @brandondarby.