Blue Bell hits the road with ice cream filled trucks on Tuesday. Blue Bell Ice Cream is packed in freezer trucks and drivers hit the road with what many describe as “the best ice cream in the country!” The announcement from Blue Bell comes after a nearly four month hiatus on producing and shipping ice cream after the listeria bacteria was found at multiple locations.

A Blue Bell Creameries employee confirmed to Breitbart Texas that trucks filled with ice cream were on the road. While the destination of these trucks hauling precious cargo has not been revealed as of this moment, it would be safe to bet that Blue Bell Ice Cream will be on store shelves shortly.

UPDATE: Blue Bell spokesman Joe Robertson, responding to an inquiry from Breitbart Texas, said the trucks headed out from their plant in Sylacauga, Alabama to a “limited number of distribution centers.” 

“We hope to be releasing more information about our distribution plans and flavors soon,” Robertson stated. “At this time we have not confirmed a date when our products will be available in stores.” When this writer asked when he could get gallon of the newly produced ice cream, Robertson responded, “I’m asking the same thing! When I find out, I will let you know.”

In the video below, borrowed from Blue Bell’s Facebook page, workers can be heard cheering as the first truck pulled out onto the rain covered roads at the company’s Alabama production plant.


Our trucks are on the road again… And yes, they are filled with Blue Bell Ice Cream! We’ll let you know soon when and where you can find our products in stores.

Posted by Blue Bell Ice Cream on Tuesday, August 11, 2015

In the past several days, Blue Bell has re-hired about 200 of the workers they furloughed from the Alabama plant earlier this year after shutting down production, according to a report on KTRK ABC13 in Houston. In Brenham, the company’s headquarters, 180 employees were re-hired. This represents nearly thirty percent of the approximately 1,450 workers Breitbart Texas reported the company letting go in May.

In July, Breitbart Texas’ Rob Milford reported between 5 and 6 MILLION gallons of product was destroyed across the nation as grocery shelves were stripped clean of the country’s third best-selling ice cream. Fans have been heartbroken, and missing what some call their “4th food group” that was a part of their lives.

The company is stockpiling inventory of ice cream into warehouses in order to build levels to the point of being able to service the company’s massive retail distribution network.

While a date for putting ice cream back in store freezers has yet to be announced by the company, we at Breitbart Texas can only hope the company is not sticking to its earlier marketing slogan, “We eat all we can and sell rest.” Our message to Blue Bell executives, “Stop eating and start shipping!”

Bob Price is a senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and on Facebook.