The Dallas Morning News may have gone too far to the activist left when they hired reporter Lauren McGaughy from the Houston Chronicle, if the reporter’s recent obsessive coverage of the Texas Attorney General and his staff are any indicator. A high level source within the Texas Attorney General’s office spoke with Breitbart Texas about the reporter’s alleged behavior.

“ This is insane. It’s like she is stalking us. She is waiting outside of both public and private buildings to demand that we answer her questions,” said the high level staffer who spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of remaining unnamed. “We feel stalked by her.”

Indeed, a quick search of the writer’s name and her coverage of the Texas Attorney General shows that she forced a cancer survivor to reveal private personal health information when she went after former First Assistant Attorney General Chip Roy for being on leave.

The staffer went further and told Breitbart Texas, “The Dallas Morning News reporter has called spouses of AG staff, the offspring of AG staff, and a sibling of AG staff. In one instance, another top level staff member was outside of the Attorney General’s office building on a phone call with someone who had just lost their spouse. The reporter came up yelling and demanding that he speak with her. He was on a private phone call.”

Several sources in the office gave the impression that they are fully expecting to get home and have a rabbit boiling in a pot on their stoves at some point. Another source in the office told Breitbart Texas, “Is this reporter going to start showing up at our homes? At the schools where we pick up our children? How far will the Dallas Morning News allow her to go?”

Breitbart reached out to McGaughy via email and she refused to answer questions or explain her alleged behavior.

Another source within the Texas Attorney General’s office informed Breitbart that McGaughy sent an open records request to the agency immediately after she received questions from Breitbart. According to the source, McGaughy wanted any emails between “Brandon Darby” or “Breitbart News” and the agency.

The questions McGaughy refused to answer are listed below:

1. Is it true that you called spouses of current AG staff to ask questions?

2. Is it true that you called the child of an AG staff member to ask questions?

3. Is it true that you called the sibling of an AG staff member to ask questions?

4. Is it true that you were outside of a restaurant where the AG and/or his staff were eating?

5. Is it true that you have waited outside of the AG office to ask questions to staff entering or exiting the building?

6. Is it true that you interrupted the private phone call of an AG staff member as he entered the AG’s office building?

7. Much of your coverage mentions the religious faith of the AG and his staff repeatedly. What is your purpose in doing so?

8. Considering your relationships to the attorneys prosecuting the Texas AG that you cultivated while working at the Houston Chronicle, did the Dallas Morning News hire you specifically to focus on the AG or his office?