A mother in a city near Houston says she will fight for the right of her transgender four-year-old to use the bathroom of their choice in public schools. She says its a matter of life and death.

Kimberly Shappley says her son started saying by the age of three, “I’m a girl, you know I’m a girl,” reported KHOU11 in Houston.

“When your 4-year-old is praying to die, you know you have to do something,” she was reported to say.

Her son named Joseph Paul at birth, is now called Kai.

“They’re not going to look at this little girl and tell her she can’t use the girl’s restroom,” Shappley told the local television station.

Shappley said a few words to the Pearland Independent School District (PISD) board at this week’s meeting.

“I’m not fighting over bathrooms. I’m fighting over her life. I’m fighting about her well-being.” Shappley’s 4-year-old will be attending kindergarten in the district.

In mid-May, Your Pearland News reported that the superintendent of PISD, Dr. John Kelly said, “It has been the position of Pearland ISD administration that children whose parents declare them ‘transgender’ must go to the bathroom for the sex indicated on their birth certificate. Such student(s) have also been allowed to use a private bathroom (such as in the nurse’s station) if they are so inclined.”

Dr. Kelly added, “Legal opinions reaching as high as the Supreme Court must answer whether the executive branch of the federal government can override the Tenth Amendment reserving powers not specifically enumerated in the Constitution for the states and local governments. It is hoped that common sense answers are provided prior to the 16/17 school year.”

The school district released a statement that children “must go to the bathroom for the sex indicated on their birth certificate.”

The PISD superintendent also said, “In my personal opinion, this is one more example of unconstitutional interference and social engineering by the federal government. When the Supreme Court re-defined marriage and invented new constitutional rights, the door was opened for re-defining all social norms, now including executive branch dictates about bathroom and locker room rules in local schools.” “It is astonishing to watch the flip-flop by leaders who ten years ago strongly endorsed traditional marriage. A hostile vocal minority now rules in America aided by an apathetic, unengaged majority. What’s next? Legalizing pedophilia and polygamy? Unless we return to the Biblical basis on which our nation’s laws were established, we are in serious trouble – and cannot expect God’s continued favor.”

As reported by Breitbart Texas, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading a 13 state coalition fighting President Obama’s mandate of a transgender bathroom policy in public schools. The Texas AG is seeking an injunction to halt the Department of Justice, the Department of Education and other federal agencies from requiring public schools and employers to open up bathrooms, locker rooms and changing areas to both sexes.

Lana Shadwick is a contributing writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as a prosecutor and associate judge in Texas. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2.