Press Secretary Jay Carney told the White House press pool today that the President is “aware” of the Gosnell trial but “cannot and will not” take a side in the proceedings.

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: There’s a murder trial in Pennsylvania that I know you know is getting a lot of attention — more attention — the media was not giving it a lot of attention. Kermit Gosnell, this doctor who is accused of having delivered some babies who were literally screaming and then beheading them. He’s facing murder charges on that, it hasn’t been decided yet, it’s still on trial. Is the President following this at all? Does the White House have any reaction to that kind of situation that is alleged?

JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I’ll say two things: One, the President is aware of this. Two, the President does not and cannot take a position in an ongoing trial so I won’t as well. Certainly the things you hear and read about this case are unsettling but I can’t comment further on an ongoing legal proceeding.