On Hugh Hewitt’s Thursday radio show, conservative commentator Mark Steyn railed against critics of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) for his remarks about the generations of people in the “inner cities” not “learning the value and culture of work.”

Ryan had made those remarks in an interview that aired on Bill Bennett’s radio show earlier in the week and that had drawn a swift rebuke from some left-wing storefronts and at least one of Ryan’s House colleagues in the form of Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA).

“As I say, the great evil of welfare is not that it wastes money,” Steyn said. “It wastes people. Barbara Lee and that crowd don’t understand that because they exist in that pampered little middle class little bubble where you take it for granted that you’ll be able to go to college and get some non-job as a diversity outreach consultant for $300,000 a year like Michelle Obama did before she became first lady. And everybody who is not part of that world will somehow be satisfied instead of living the American dream, living the food stamp dream.”

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