On Friday, Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) addressed the Faith and Freedom Coalition held in Washington, D.C. and with a theme of declaring it is time for America to face some “big and solemn truths.” The governor said, “It strikes me that the time we are in right now, we have a greater need for people to be telling each other the truth then we have had at almost any time in our countries history.”

Christie covered drug addiction, Washington D.C. gridlock and his pro-life stance during a wide ranging speech that ended with a resounding denouncement of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. The New Jersey governor said Obama “pulling back” has had a “catastrophic effects in every corner of the globe.” 

Listing setting and not enforcing a “red line” in Syria, “hurting Americans credibly” by allowing the Russian leader to fill the power vacuum in the Ukraine, ignoring Iran and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and leaving Iraq defenseless Christie said all of this chaos has been created by Obama’s lack of leadership “clarity and principle.”

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