On his Monday radio show, conservative talk show Mark Levin reacted to how congressional Democrats in a House Oversight Hearing had conducted themselves earlier over the committee’s inquiry into missing emails related to an investigation of former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner.

Levin said it was clear to him the response from congressional Democrats was orchestrated in advance in tandem with the highest level of the Obama White House to obstruct the inquiry into the Internal Revenue Service missing emails congressional hearing.

“So let me be very blunt about it – the Democratic Party now is conducting itself as the mob,” Levin said. “The Democratic Party is in a full-scale cover-up on this scandal – even more than Benghazi, on the IRS scandal. The Democratic Party is in full cover-up mode, whether it’s the in-Justice Department and that fraud Eric Holder, whether it’s the Internal Revenue Service and the frauds running that operation, whether it’s the frauds in and around the White House, whether it’s the frauds in Congress – that’s right.”

“This is no damn joke,” he added. “You have a political party that is corrupt to the core, corrupt to the core. I get furious with the Republican Party’s incompetence. This party, the Democrat Party is corrupt to the core and is involved in a criminal corruption. That’s right, I said it. Missing emails, destroyed hard drives, they won’t bring in the FBI, citizens intimidated, citizens threatened, the attorney general sitting on his ass doing nothing, the president of the United States sending signals – ‘there’s not a smidgeon of anything wrong here.’ The word gets out – the Democrats out in full-obstruction cover-up mode.”

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