On Friday, HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher declared the Republican Party’s political strategy is to intentionally harm people who don’t vote Republican. In an interview with North Carolina NAACP President Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, Maher said, “they seem to work backwards from, ‘who doesn’t vote for us? Hmm, let’s see how we can f**k them,’” a point Rev. Barber seemed to agree with. 

Rev. Barber later alleged, “it is almost like [Republicans] have a premeditated kind of politics to just say ‘how many people can we hurt?’… I’m sure you saw all those old movies from the 60’s with Sydney Portier in the South, and the Southern sheriff always says ‘I don’t like your kind.’ That’s really what it is, they don’t like your kind. And I don’t mean just blacks. I mean poor people, women, gays. They got their kind and they don’t like your kind.”

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