On his weekly Sunday HBO program “Last Week Tonight,” John Oliver challenged his viewers to unite behind the cause of urging the Russian government to rescue a satellite of which it had lost control that contains geckos as part of a study of sex of living organisms.

“You might be saying, ‘Look John, why are you making such a big deal out of this? Aren’t there more important things going on in the world?’” he said. “Yes, obviously almost everything is more important than this. Ukraine is sliding into anarchy. The Gaza ceasefire is tenuous. And we’re mostly powerless to do anything about any of them. But maybe, just maybe if we could come together as a civilization, we could then build on that progress. And I think rescuing these space sex geckos might just be that thing.”

Oliver said he was implementing a hashtag campaign as part this push and declared it to be his effort to raise awareness.

“That’s why I’m issuing a challenge to humanity: Go get those geckos,” he continued. “No I know what you’re thinking – I know what you’re thinking: ‘John, how is a hashtag going to rescue those geckos? The hashtag is to raise awareness you idiots. Be positive.”

He also suggested his viewers lobby the Russian government by visiting the Kremlin’s website and sending letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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