Butler Co., OH Sheriff Richard K. Jones estimated that around one-third of the children born in his county are the children of illegal immigrants. 

“We’ve got kids that are born in these hospitals to the illegals that we can’t afford to pay for. A third of the hospitals, the births here, just in our community, are born for free, and they’re illegals that are having these children and then the ones that are coming over to our school system” Jones said on Monday’s broadcast of “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

He also detailed the impact of illegal immigration on county schools, saying “every kid gets less. Imagine being in a school and you have a classroom with 25 or 30 students, then you have an interpreter for each one of these kids that are sitting-can you imagine the disruption?” And “I talked to the school people, that work in these schools, off the record. They said it’s a total disruption. It comes out of the money that they don’t have and it’s killing our system here.”

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