Democratic Senate candidate, West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant said that coal regulations pushed by the Obama administration were “attacking” jobs in West Virginia.  

On Tuesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel, Tennant argued “these regulations are attacking our coal jobs, and what we’re asking, and what I’m asking is ‘don’t attack our coal jobs with regulations that are unrealistic and unattainable. Work with us because if you invest in West Virginia, we will deliver for you, advance coal technologies that yes, can cut emissions and save jobs at the same time, use that investment.’”  She also expressed that she was “disappointed” with the Obama administration’s treatment of West Virginia. 

Tennant also expressed her agreement with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on several issues “we agree on standing up for our middle class. We agree on making sure that our students have the ability to have an affordable college education, that they’re not going be indented with all this student loan [debt]. We also agree on taking care of coal miners” Tennant declared.  She added that she agreed with Warren’s support for “equal pay for equal work” when asked about her position on Warren’s support for wealth redistribution.

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