Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney slammed President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and declared the Russian reset “one of the most embarrassing incidents in American foreign policy.”  

“He underestimated Russia,” said Romney. “This whole reset policy with Hillary Clinton smiling ear from ear pressing a red reset button, I think is one of the most embarrassing incidents in American foreign policy, the idea that we wanted to give more flexibility to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin has taken the measure of the president and decided that he can go into Ukraine and grab territory. That is something which, I think, was contributed to by the president’s miscalculation.”

Romney also criticized the president’s handling of the threat of ISIS, arguing “he underestimated the extent of the threat represented by terror in the world, and specifically ISIS, and as a result now we find ourselves facing a very severe and horrific series of scenes on the world stage.”

“I can’t begin to explain the president’s foreign policy,” he continued. “I think Hillary Clinton tried to explain it by saying there wasn’t a foreign policy, in effect, and rarely did I agree with what Hillary Clinton had to say, but on that topic I think we agreed. I think it’s interesting that she tries to distance herself from the president’s foreign policy given the fact she was his secretary of state for four years, but, that being said, the president’s policies have contributed to some of the crises that we’re seeing around the world, whether in Ukraine, whether in Syria, in Iraq and other places in the world, northern Africa to name just a few.”

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