Mark Geist, one of the security operators present during the terrorist attacks on Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 said that he, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and others were left to “hold the Alamo” during the terrorist attacks on a Fox News special on Friday. “The aircraft that they had wasn’t big enough to take us all back. So they were going to take the non-shooting personnel and get them out…we were going to stay there and hold the Alamo” he stated.

Geist added “I think they’d [the reinforcements] probably been there about an hour. Me and [Tyrone Woods] were talking about that wondering ‘what’s taking so long, why aren’t we getting out of here?’ the sun was starting to come up, but it was ‘we better be ready for another attack because this is one that’s going to come.’”

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