On Saturday, the Fox News Channel’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine” host former Judge Jeanine Pirro sharply criticized President Obama’s rhetoric and policy in the fight against ISIS.  “After weeks of dithering on ISIS, no strategy, containing them, degrading them, and destroying them, finally, we are clear-eyed. A definitive counter-terrorism campaign against the Islamic state, but not against Islam and not against a state, so who are we fighting?” she said.

“Mr. President, why are you so afraid of words? You scrub national security documents of the word ‘jihad,’ which is Muslim for war against unbelievers. Why did your CIA Director scrub ‘Islamist’ before ‘terrorist’ in the Benghazi talking points? And why is the Fort Hood shooter engaging in workplace violence when he yells ‘Allah Akbar’ and his business card says ‘soldier of Allah’? Just weeks before a midterm election, the vast majority of Americans, Mr. President, believe you don’t have a clue about foreign policy. You refuse to use the word ‘war.’ What’s with the counterterrorism offensive? What do you think you are, Jack Bauer? This isn’t ‘24,’” Pirro declared.

She then argued that America’s Arab allies are wary of forming a coalition with the US to fight ISIS because they don’t trust President Obama, saying to the president “you are not a true ally. You are not a man of your word and because you are not there for them [the US’ Arab allies]. Evidence, Egypt. You supported the overthrow of American ally Mubarak for Muslim Brother Morsi … even the Egyptians ousted this Muslim Brother because he was too extreme. He imposed Sharia Law, released terrorists from prison and tried to give parts of Egypt to terrorists. Their newly elected president still has not gotten the arms you gave to the Muslim Brothers as they fight their own war in Egypt against Islamic extremists … Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab emirates, they were all ready to fight in Syria but you backed up in spite of that so-called red line…at least President GW Bush got 49 countries to support the al Qaeda war, so far, you have 9.”

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