Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) urged President Obama to put one individual in charge of handling the Ebola case in Dallas in an interview on Tuesday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.

“The last two administrations did have an individual who was in charge of biosecurity…president Obama let that lapse. I think that was an error. I do think it is important that there’s one person at the White House, day in and day out overseeing this issue of the biosecurity” he said.

Perry added “I think when the president of the United States stands up and says ‘this is the individual who is going to be the point of contact out of the White House’ to manage all this myriad of agencies that are out there, and there are a lot of agencies that have responsibility. But, I think it is important for the leader to stand up and say, ‘this is the individual that is going to be in charge, on this particular issue, this is the go-to person.’”

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