In this week’s Republican address, New Hampshire senatorial hopeful, former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), took aim at President Barack Obama’s shortcomings on foreign policy.

Brown identifies ISIS in the Middle East, Ukraine’s vulnerabilities to Russia in Eastern Europe and the Obama administration’s drawdown on the U.S. military as areas of weakness in the president’s foreign policy.

Transcript as follows:

Hello, I’m Scott Brown, Republican candidate for U.S. senator in New Hampshire.  

In these closing weeks of the 2014 campaign, Americans are realizing how much is on the line – especially when it comes to national security.  We are at a dangerous moment for our country and our friends.  It’s starting to feel like the world is on fire, with so many crises getting worse, so many adversaries gaining ground.

In Iraq and Syria, an expanse of territory larger than New England has now been lost to a terrorist army, ISIS.  Our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, faced rocket attacks by Hamas all summer long.  In Iran, the extremist regime is still intent on building nuclear weapons.  

In Ukraine, America’s friends are dealing with belligerence from Vladimir Putin and the Russian army.  China, meanwhile, is bullying its neighbors, while also pressing ahead with a massive military buildup.

So many challenges, so many threats and problems – and all at the same time.   Yet the Obama administration seems only more confused as things unravel.  This is what the world looks like without American leadership.

So it’s hardly surprising that national security is a central issue in this election.  I believe our state deserves an independent senator who will put party loyalty aside, and put our national interests first, each and every time—rather than simply voting with President Obama 99 percent of the time.

Like many other Republicans, I’m running to restore American leadership.  And how about we start by protecting our own borders? 

ISIS thugs have been threatening for months to send people here to kill Americans unless their demands are met.  Well, a porous border is an obvious pathway for terrorists to get in here.  And yet, all we’ve heard from the administration is more talk of amnesty, by executive decree and right after the election.  

Let’s not kid ourselves:  When the enemies of our country are planning attacks and our leaders in Washington are planning amnesty, something is wrong.  We have got to get serious about guarding this nation’s borders and enforcing this nation’s laws.  

Second, we need to reverse the defense drawdown of the Obama years.  We have seen massive reductions in personnel everywhere – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.  We’re now on track to have an Army smaller than it was before the Second World War.

At a time when so much is expected of our military, we need to give it all the manpower, all the equipment, and all the support to succeed in every mission and come back safe.  We owe that much at least to the people who defend us.

Third, we need to keep faith with America’s veterans.  The V.A. under this administration has been an outrageous failure.  Even as the federal government tries taking over our whole health care system, it can’t even deliver on the most basic promise to take care of veterans.  Well, this election is a moment of accountability – not just at the V.A., but all across the federal government.  

In every part of America, people have deep worries about national security and border security – and all this when so many are still worried about job security.  Yet we’re asked to believe that this is the best America can do.  I do not accept that defeatist attitude for one moment, and neither should you.  

We can secure our own border.  We can maintain a military superiority that no rival will dare to question.  We can restore this great country’s leadership in the world, and everything rides on our success.  

As President Obama said recently, he’s not on the ballot but his entire agenda is.  That’s your invitation to send the clearest possible message to the establishment in Washington.  Elect Republicans to the House and Senate, and we will bring that big-government agenda to an end.  And we will set this country on a better, safer path.

This is Scott Brown in New Hampshire.  Thanks for listening.

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