Dr. Ben Carson, author of “One Vote: Make Your Voice Heard,” argued that Progressive policies have caused the black community to “disintegrate” on Monday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Carson said he did not believe President Obama was a “racist” as Ben Stein claimed earlier, but argued that “his ideal of what America should be is really not consistent with the ideals of the Founders of this nation.”

He continued “we’ve had 50, maybe 60 years now of Progressive policies, and what they have done is they have halted the tremendous progress particularly in the black community,” adding that the black community “really began to disintegrate” after Progressive policies were implemented.

Carson expressed support for programs to break the cycle of poverty like microlending, helping single mothers get an education.

He concluded that Republicans will win tomorrow’s elections, but declared “we can’t be satisfied with that,” and that Republicans need to put forth a bold policy agenda.

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