Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz,” host Howard Kurtz asked former CNBC anchor Melissa Francis, now a Fox Business Network host, why she has come forward this week with allegations that CNBC executives silenced her attempts to question the numbers on Obamacare. According to Francis, after seeing the recently surfaced videos of ObamaCare architect  Jonathan Gruber saying they lied to the “stupid,” Americans voters to pass the Affordable Care Act, she feels CNBC was “complicit in this cover-up”

Francis said, “I think it was pervasive across the network, and people should know about it, and especially now, you know, when Jonathan Gruber comes to light and he says the administration relied on the voters, the point of business journalism is to illuminate the economic facts. and I had to scream at the television when I saw the Gruber video.”

“I felt like I was in part complicit in the very cover-up that he’s talking about because I tried to illuminate the map, exactly what he is saying, that they had to hide the cost, I specifically tried to illuminate the cost and was stopped from doing that and I think the American public deserves to know that the reason why Jonathan Gruber and others like him are able to get away with this, is because there are networks out there and management at CNBC who are complicit in this cover-up, in keeping people ignorant,” she added.

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