Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin blasted the Republican leadership in Congress as a “chorus of impotency, who have already surrendered in advance of a fight” on executive amnesty on Monday.

He argued that while the president planned to shred the separation of powers, the GOP was “selfishly” talking about working with the president or winning elections, and “all we get is ‘no, don’t shut down the government, no, we’re not going to use the power of the purse.'” He added that he could not “abide” a GOP who refused to stand up to Obama

Levin then turned his criticism to Obama, saying he was “acting in defiance of our votes,” and making voting “almost irrelevant.”

He concluded that in the event of shutdown over the president’s executive order on immigration, Republicans should “take credit for standing up to despotism,” and decrying Congressional Republicans as “feckless” and ” cowards.”

(h/t The Right Scoop)

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