Former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under President Obama, PJ Crowley, criticized “a lack of empathy on both sides” in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians on Monday’s “Now with Alex Wagner” on MSNBC.

“I don’t have a magic bullet here, but I think unfortunately because you have a lack of empathy on both sides, a lack of interest in compromise, it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better” he said.

for the Brookings Institute decried the attacks against Israel as “heinous” and “unspeakable,” but scolded ” the international community has been quite united, and quite stalwart in trying to help the Israelis and Palestinians towards a peace that they refuse to make. And I think it’s going to be reflection, and political realignment, and a change in heart in both the Palestinian population and the Israeli population. These are the two necessary preconditions for the peace process to have any hope, and it’s the only hope. So that’s what has got to change and i don’t know when Mr. Netanyahu or others involved here might lend themselves to that reconsideration but I hope it’s soon.”

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