Washington Post reporter T. Rees Shapiro, whose reporting unearthed many discrepancies in Rolling Stone’s article about a claimed sexual assault on the University of Virginia’s campus, said that “Jackie,” the pseudonym of the alleged victim told him that “Jackie” felt “manipulated” by Rolling Stone writer Sabrina Rubin Erderly on Sunday’s “MediaBuzz” on the Fox News Channel.

“she [“Jackie”] told me from the very beginning that she stood by the story that was given to Rolling Stone. In subsequent conversations she and I had together, she told me that she did feel manipulated, that she had tried to put her stone story out there and then decided she wanted to pull back and that the writer had told her that that wasn’t going to happen” he stated.

Shapiro added that he couldn’t say why “Jackie” felt manipulated “other than she just had determined that she no longer wanted to participate in the article.”

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