Friday at the Marine Corps Base in Kaneohe Bay, HI, President Barack Obama told U.S. troops that Afghanistan will no longer  be a source of terrorist attacks.

“We’ve been in continuous war now for over 13 years,” Obama said. “Next week we will be ending our combat mission in Afghanistan.”

“Because of the extraordinary service of the men and women in the Armed Forces, Afghanistan has a chance to rebuild its own country,” he continued. “We are safer. It’s not going to be a source of terrorist attacks again. And we still have some very difficult missions around the world, including in Iraq. We still have folks in Afghanistan helping the Afghan security forces. We have people helping to deal with Ebola in Africa and obviously we have folks stationed all around the world. But the world is better, it’s safer, it’s more peaceful, It’s more prosperous and our homeland is protected because of you and the sacrifices each and every day.”

“So on a day when we celebrate the Prince of Peace and many of us count or blessings one of the greatest blessings we have is the extraordinary dedication and sacrifices you all make,” Obama added. “We could not be more thankful. I know I speak for everyone in the entire country when I say, we salute you.”

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