Nigel Farage, Member of the  European Parliament and Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) argued that promoting multiculturalism was “the biggest mistake” European governments have made on Wednesday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

“We now have within many European countries, and dare I say it, within the USA too, a fifth column living within our own countries, people, mercifully few in number, but people who are out to destroy a whole civilization and our way of life…so let’s recognize the mistakes we’ve made. Uncontrolled immigration, just not knowing in many cases who the people were who are coming into our country…the biggest mistake the governments have made, we have promoted  multiculturalism. We have promoted division within our societies. We have said to large numbers of people, ‘you can come here from any part of the world. Oh, by the way, please don’t bother to learn our language, don’t integrate in any way at all. You can take over whole parts of our towns and cities and we’ll say it’s made us a wonderful diverse nation.’ That hasn’t worked” he stated.

Farage also spoke of the Rotherham sex abuse scandal, and argued authorities “were scared of using profiling to go in and deal with the problem for fear of being thought to be racist.” He added, “well, I think, that after an attack like this, I think public opinion won’t worry being quite the same way about profiling.”

He concluded, “we get in a sense, don’t we here, to a clash of cultures…that does not mean that the vast majority of Muslims that are living in Britain, France, Germany, and America are not law-abiding and peaceable and really good human beings who we’d be happy to have as our friends and our next door neighbors.” And “how do we deal, how do we deal, as you say, with our tradition of parody, mockery, and satirism, against the small minority of people who think that even attempting to poke fun at their religious leader is beyond the pale. We can only do that by making it absolutely clear that anybody that comes to live in our countries, particularly new people, come to live in our countries, are coming to live in a culture where we are open and we are tolerant.”

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