On Friday’s airing of Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” conservative commentator Pat Buchanan explained that although the culprits of the Charlie Hedbo massacre ultimately lost their lives, it will be viewed by al Qaeda and some in the Muslim world as a “successful war operation.”

“Well I agree with your former guest, the former attorney general, that if you’re going to err, you better err on the side of security when you see something like this. Neil, this is dramatic and while it’s barbaric and although it’s an atrocity, it was also a successful war operation. Look at what these people accomplished. They went in and wiped out this entity Muslims detest, and radical Muslims detest. They got out of there, they got the attention of the entire world, they got the attention of the secretary of state. They got the attention of the president of the United States, of President Hollande, of people all over the world, then they went out in what they consider a blaze of glory. They did this over two days. This is a victory for al Qaeda, even in their competition with its ISIS, that is the equivalent of the capture of Mosul back there last year.”

According to Buchanan, even if a small percentage of the Islam world condones this act, it’s still a large amount of people.

“Look, 1.6 billion Muslims in the world,” he continued. “If 1 percent of them agree with this type of terror and like to participate, that’s 16 million. People forget, in the Turkish community in Berlin, when those towers went down, a lot of people were firing off bottle rockets in celebration. Forget the leaders in the Arab and Muslim world are denouncing this. But you can bet there are people in their homes watching this on television, watching the international news and the rest of it who are saying those guys did a great thing in taking down that anti-Islamic publication, which insulted the prophet and they did avenge the prophet.”

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