Jason Redman, a former Navy SEAL and personal friend of Chris Kyle dubbed “American Sniper” critics Michael Moore, Seth Rogan, Howard Dean, and Bill Maher “pompous egomaniacs” on Monday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

Redman first addressed comments by Howard Dean that the movie’s success was due to “anger,” saying “the only angry people out there across America right now are the people that are angry at pompous egomaniacs like Michael Moore, Seth Rogen, Howard Dean, and Bill Maher who make asinine comments like that. Not a single one of those guys has ever placed themselves in a situation where they were willing to lay down their lives for their beliefs. That’s what every American veteran did. That’s what they were willing to do for them, they gave them the right to make stupid comments like that and it’s insulting. One of the great things Clint Eastwood did, he recognized that this movie was much more than just a story about Chris Kyle, it was a story about every American veteran that ever went out there and fought for freedom. I, watching that movie, I relived a lot of those scenes because I fought in iraq, too”

He added “war is a horrible thing. I will never argue with that. War is probably one of the most horrible things that exists. It brings out both the worst and the best in people. And on that side I can definitely understand why some people out there want to [say,] ‘we shouldn’t go to war, we shouldn’t do these things.’ But make no mistake, there are evil people in this world. so many of these people like Bill Maher want to talk about the Chris’ use of the term ‘savage.’ Chris wasn’t specifically addressing the Iraqi people. He was addressing a specific demographic of Iraq. It is the same demographic right now that is over there fighting with ISIS, that is raping and beheading women and children.”

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