Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin said that political and media reactions to terrorism were “like having a PTA meeting” on Tuesday.

“We are at war. Now, we don’t act like it, we have our warriors, they act like it…but our politicians, our media, it’s like having a PTA meeting every time one of these horrific acts occur, you go on TV, and they all wring their hands, they talk to each other, they shake their heads, they’re in agreement how terrible it is, and then on we go” he stated.

Levin particularly criticized President Obama, who he said “continues to press even harder for the fundamental transformation of the only society that can stop the Islamonazis.”

Levin concluded, “we are going to get attacked again…and we’ll have our commissions, and we’ll have our hearings, and we’ll have our experts on TV telling us what went wrong, and who’s fault it was, and what we should have done.”

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