During ESPN2’s airing of “Mike and Mike” on Monday, Mike Golic, co-host of the show, discussed NBA commissioner Adam Silver’s stance on sports gambling. Silver has recently said that he supports legalized sports betting outside of Nevada, making him the first major professional sports league commissioner in the United States to openly do so.

Golic believes that gambling is the nastiest word in sports.

“We know what the nastiest four-letter word is,” he said. “We know what that is. The biggest four-letter word in sports is an eight-letter word and it’s ‘gambling.’ You mention the word any sport in gambling and people will cringe at the thought. Now, Adam Silver is talking about not only pushing gambling away but embracing gambling and that’s going to have an effect on players and on individuals out there on everybody somehow some way if you choose to gamble. That, to me, that word is such a taboo word in front of every locker room in sports about what not to do, talked about all the time and now we’re going — again, it’s different. I know we’re telling players and coaches- aren’t betting on their team but the word ‘gambling’ is now going to be for lack of a better term embraced and used, you know, in sporting teams for different leagues out there instead of you can’t even say that word. That word is worse than the dirty words we use.”

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