Columnist Charles Krauthammer dubbed the FCC’s newly released Internet rules “the Full Employment Act of Telecom Lawyers and Lobbyists” on Thursday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

“The heart of the regulation is that the Internet providers have to act in a ‘just and reasonable’ way. There’s no definition of that. It gives completely arbitrary power. The FCC is going to decide what is just and what is reasonable. How do you pass a regulation that leaves all the power, which will be decided in endless litigation, endless complaints, endless proceedings at the FCC, which is completely under-equipped to do it, and probably it’s unconstitutional. What this is is the Full Employment Act of Telecom Lawyers and Lobbyists. It will — hundreds of millions of dollars that would otherwise have gone into engineering, innovation, and all kinds of things that the Internet needs are now going to be diverted into the legal system, a complete waste, and it is from a regulatory hunger on the part of this administration. If it moves, regulate it” he stated.

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