Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin argued that “Obama has more ability to work with dictators and genocidal types than he does with people who are elected democratically” based on his dealings with Republicans in Congress and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

“Obama has more ability to work with dictators and genocidal types than he does with people who are elected democratically. the fact of the matter, is…Eric Holder said this nation is full of cowards because we won’t have a discussion about race. well, i think this nation needs to have a discussion about what’s going on in this white house and this administration about anti-Semitism. Because this White House and it’s reaching out to Sharpton, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, all these radical nut jobs and groups” he stated.

When asked if he thought the president was anti-Semitic, Levin replied, “I personally do. Yes, I do. Has he demonstrated otherwise? Israel is surrounded. Israel was under attack with Hamas. His State Department puts out these preposterous statements about moral relevancy. Israel’s taking missiles. this president’s holding back ammunition, slow walking it.”

Levin added, “what’s amazing to me is — throughout our history when we’ve tried to topple regimes that threatened America, the left would rise up, they’d hold hearings in Congress, they’d put out studies talking about how horrible the CIA is and our national security structure when we’re trying to topple dictators and genocidal maniacs who threaten us. Here we have a President of the United States, through his State Department, through his campaign director, and others going to an ally, in Israel trying to knock off the ally and to install somebody who will acquiesce to his demands.”

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