Columnist George Will said the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s passage of a bill requiring Congressional approval on an Iran deal is “an extension of the revival of Congress against presidential Caesarism” on Friday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

Will said, “if you’ve forgotten what it looks like to have a Senator acting like a Senator, or if you’ve never seen it before, look at Corker. This is what it looks like, the patience of politics, giving where he can, drawing lines on what he can’t give up on. He said to the president, ‘look, if this deal is as wonderful as you say it is, why can’t you sell it to us?’ And that, I think, convinced a lot of his people. It also said this is going to help Obama because he has, by his ardor for an agreement, so communicated that he’ll take almost anything, that he’s strengthened the hand of the Iranians. Now his negotiators can turn to the Iranians and say, ‘look, we have these Congressmen behind us and they’re being difficult,’ and it will strengthen their position. Furthermore, this is an extension of the revival of Congress against presidential Caesarism on the Affordable Care Act, on immigration, on No Child Left Behind, on a whole range of matters the president has said ‘I can undo laws on my own.’ This is Corker and the others saying, ‘no, we legislated sanctions, and those that were legislated must be unlegislated.'”

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