Activist and author Ayaan Hirsi Ali responded to her critics by saying “there are two different tactics of silencing individuals like me who want to start the conversation about what in Islam needs to change,” hit lists and smear campaigns on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel.

“There are two different tactics of silencing individuals like me who want to start the conversation about what in Islam needs to change, and one tactic is of course the tactic that Al Qaeda uses, putting people like me on a hit list. And it’s very clear, but then, there’s a different group, Asra Nomani calls them ‘the honor brigade,’ and they engage in smear tactics, in character assassination” she stated.

She continued, addressing her critics directly with, “books are not explosives, and they are not bombs. We need to end this crisis within Islam. I mean, any American who watches the news sees what’s happening in Yemen, in Syria, in Iraq, you also see as Americans that it’s coming to us at home now. There are six Somali young people who left Minneapolis and San Diego to join the islamic state. If we want to the end that sort of really, you know, violent jihad, then we need to start talking about the sensitive issues within Islam…I invite these people who are sneering [at] me to come and put solutions on the table.”

Ali concluded, “I think that it is time that we stop kidding ourselves about Islam being a religion of peace. We need to face the truth. Islam unreformed is not a religion of peace, and there are very brave women and men within Islam, in Muslim-majority countries, and in America and the rest of the Western countries who are arguing for reform. I have put these five proposals as a solution, if these people have a solution, let them put it on the table.”

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