Talk radio host Glenn Beck argued wondered why anyone would fly the Confederate flag because “It’s a flag of another country” on Monday.

He began by declaring, “The Confederate flag makes no sense to me whatsoever.”

Beck added that while it’s a decision for South Carolina to make, he would vote to remove it if he lived there because “It was a symbol of…division, of not black and white, the country. It’s a flag of another country. Why are you flying that? Are you proud that you were another country at some point?” And that some people were proud of the Confederacy.

He continued that there is a racist element to the flag, and that the Confederate Constitution shows there was “no ifs, and, or buts” regarding the Confederacy’s racism.  And “It was not about state’s rights, because you didn’t have a right as a state in the Confederacy to go against slavery. So, there’s no state’s rights there. That’s not about state’s rights.”

He concluded, “This is a legacy of rebellion against the United States that had everything to do with slavery, because of the Constitution, the Confederate Constitution. It clearly states, it wasn’t about state’s rights, you had a slave-owning state to be able to be accepted into this Confederacy. So, it wasn’t about states’ rights, it was about slavery. And that was a rebel that was put down, we have healed since then, and it was only brought back as a symbol against the Civil Rights movement. It’s a thing of the past.”

(h/t Right Wing Watch)

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