Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh wondered “How in the world can you get teary-eyed and misty-eyed and sad over Cecil and, at the same time, participate in burying what’s happening at Planned Parenthood?” on Wednesday.

Rush said that he understands the sadness over the death of the Cecil the lion, “But how in the world can you get teary-eyed and misty-eyed and sad, and, at the same time, participate in burying what’s happening at Planned Parenthood?”

Rush added, “I do know how the animal people are. But I know that most animal people…they have the same attitude toward human beings. Look, I understand the difference. Human beings, adult human beings, they’re not the essence of innocence. But babies in the womb are. Babies in the womb are more innocent than any animal is. But to a lot of people, that would be an argumentative statement. I understand that, but a baby in the womb? I mean, you can’t get a more pure definition of innocence.” And “I’m with you on this death of Cecil business. But I’m also just, if not more sickened, by what Planned Parenthood’s doing.”

He concluded, “I tell you, Planned Parenthood has hired this PR firm called [SKDKnickerbocker]…and their job is single purpose, bury the story. They are harassing Drive-By Media, to the extent necessary, to get them to ignore the story. For example, Politico ran just a little bitty blurb about this, and how it just makes a lot of people uncomfortable and this [SKDKnickerbocker] bunch just jumped on ’em, and Politico retracted, or deleted it from their Web page or did something. That’s what they’re trying to do is get this story buried. They’re not even gonna try to argue the story. They’re not even gonna try to say we all misunderstand it. They’re not even gonna try to say, ‘There’s great medical research to be had here.’ They’re not gonna say, ‘It’s just a clump of cells.’ They’re not even gonna try to say, ‘It’s an unviable tissue.’ They’re just gonna lean on their buddies in the Drive-By to suppress the story.”

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