TEL AVIV – Israel’s Ambassador to the UN slammed the UN Security Council on Tuesday, accusing it of “hypocrisy” for failing to condemn a single terror attack against Israeli civilians while adopting 12 resolutions on terrorism in other parts of the Middle East.

During a UNSC discussion on Israel and the Middle East, Ambassador Danny Danon accused the UN of not caring about Israeli lives.

“During the past four months, Israelis have been stabbed in their homes, shot at in the streets, and run over by terrorists using cars as weapons,” Danon said. “During this period of time, the Council has adopted 12 resolutions against terrorism. Not once were the lives of Israelis murdered by terrorists recognized by this Council. No condemnation, no expression of solidarity, not even a statement of concern.

“The facts don’t lie. The Security Council has been hypocritical when it comes to Israel.”

Danon quoted Resolution 2249, adopted in the aftermath of the Paris attacks, which states, “Any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed.”

The UN envoy continued, “Yet, the international community has made one, only one exception. There is one place in the world that this absolute ban on terrorism can be ignored. Once again, the state of Israel is singled out, and treated differently from all other nations in the world.”

Danon also decried Palestinian incitement, claiming it is a direct cause of the ongoing wave of terror targeting Israelis. Recounting in detail the brutal murder of Dafna Meir, the Israeli mother of six who was stabbed to death last week in front of her children by a 15-year-old Arab terrorist, Danon told the council that the terrorist admitted he had been inspired by propaganda clips on the Palestinian Authority’s official television station.

“The root of the recent wave of terror is Palestinian incitement,” Danon said.  He then proceeded to list examples of the PA’s direct encouragement and glorification of terror – at European taxpayers’ expense.

Danon noted that the PA pays salaries to the families of terrorists, awards honorary degrees to terrorists who murder women, and uses toys to incite children.